southwest airlines gift cards method

SouthWest Airlines Gift Cards Carding Method

Card Flights and Reservations using southwest airlines Giftcards

Table of Contents

Southwest Airlines – Find low fares to top destinations on the official Southwest Airlines website. Book flight reservations, rental cars, and hotels on using Gift Cards. 

Easiest Carding Guides – We have now made it easier by carding bulk gift cards and selling them cheaply. Buy a $1500 travel gift card for only $250 and redeem it on the Southwest Airlines Gift Cards redeem panel.  Book reservations and flights within seconds with our high-quality gift cards.  Follow this guide to learn more

0) Go to Ze4w and create an account

We use the best CC and carding tools vendor on the market. Go to and create an account. Register with your email and password. make sure to use an email you can access since all order notifications will be sent there. We will buy southwest airlines gift cards from this store.

southwest airlines gift card

The store started by selling credit cards and bank logs to carders. But since many of the new users had difficulties cashing out, the store was upgraded to selling more carding stuff like bundled CC + guides, Accounts Gift cards, etc.

1) Deposit funds to your account

Since we are directly buying  Southwest Airlines Gift Cards from ze4w, Go to add funds and enter enough amount to your wallet. Make sure to add $100+ on your first time, you will get a 100% deposit bonus !!.  Enter amount and proceed to pay with your preferred crypto coins. 

southwest airlines gift card
2) Select the Southwest Airlines Gift Cards

After topup, go to Gift cards and select Bookings and Travel. Choose one of the southwest airlines gift cards of your choice depending on the availability. Sometimes they can be out of stock.

southwest airlines gift card
3) Add southwest airlines gift cards to cart and checkout

Add your southwest airlines gift card to your cart and checkout with wallet funds. Wallet payment will always appear on checkout as a form of payment if the order total can be fully paid with wallet funds, if the wallet has insufficient funds, it will be not available as an option. So always make sure you top up your wallet with enough funds

southwest airlines gift card, southwest airlines gift cards method

This is an easy checkout and the order is processed instantly when using wallet funds. After purchase, download the txt file from the downloads panel and you will have your gift Card and security code

4) Card your flight or reservation

After downloading your txt file, you will get  Southwest Airlines gift cards and security codes or just one depending on how many you bought. Go to the official website and search for your desired flight. You can choose anyhow you want as long as the total amount will be covered by the gift card.

southwest airlines gift card

I bought a $1500 Southwest Airlines Gift Card, I chose a two-way flight for a total of $1145.96. This amount can be covered easily by my gift card. Now lets checkout.

southwest airlines gift card, southwest airlines gift cards method

This is the total amount am going to pay. follow the video guide below for the rest of the checkout process. Southwest Airlines gift cards are only used on checkout, there is no option to add on your account, its only used during checkout to pay all or part of the total amount.

5) Flight booking video guide
6) Summary

If you are into hotel and booking carding. I would recommend you try our gift cards as they are direct and don’t require any carding skills. Just buy cheap and resell or use it for your own flights. Check our Booking and travel gift cards as they are updated regularly.

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Eric Kofler
4 months ago

You have noted very interesting details ! ps decent website .

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